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The Exact Week-By-Week Content to Place inside Your Webinar Course

So you are teaching some kind of weekly class online. Maybe you're running it for free to your subscribers or maybe you're charging them some amount of money to attend. Now that you know what you will be teaching in your course, what specific content should you teach each and every week?

When planning your weekly content, don't forget the instant gratification, the critique week, and the meet in between.

Most people who teach classes already have a clear picture of what they want to start with. They have a introductory week and then build up to the intermediate or expert level weeks. But the number one thing missing with a weekly webinar series is the "instant gratification". Start up your course so that even if somebody only took the first week of your training, they could get some kind of tangible result out of it. The idea here is that people are so excited by that first week of training that they wanna take the rest of your class.

If you're teaching about writing, your students should walk away from the first week with a complete article or a complete outline for their book. If you're teaching video, students should be able to record their very first video by the end of the first class. Start them up small but start them with something.

You're gonna have classes in between. This is the "meet" of the class. You get them excited about your class and you get them to join based on what they want, and once you give them what they want, transition them to what they need. Writing an article or writing that first chapter of their book is fun, but the rest of your class is to make sure that they finish that book and they can edit that book. Creating a short three-minute video is fun but the rest of your class should be dedicated towards creating an entire video product or video series.

And this is all leading up to the final week which you should devote entirely to examining other students' work. This is the "critique" week. If you're teaching people how to write a book, the final week should be masterminding your students' book launch campaign, or looking inside the books and telling them what to change. If it's a video class, watch their videos and give them pointers. After all, they paid you for a live training. You should give it to them.

The great thing about anything with the critique week as well is you can show off other students' results, and the students themselves are much less likely to refund because they saw exactly what they got out of taking your class.

And that's how you should structure your webinar. Start the first week with something that gives instant gratification and immediate results. Have weeks in the middle transitioning them from the basic topics all the way to the advanced topics, and ends with the critique week.

Organize and launch your first four-week or eight-week course right here at

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23. Sep, 2010
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