Each time you are about to present your next webinar or even for a live video presentation. It is possible you are confused as to your charging price in corresponding to the information being provided. There are times to give a free service at what time should you charge $1000? At what period should one charge $2000 or more? Now, let's do the analyses:
Where there are varieties of training courses and materials, the charges begin from $197. In case the training takes up to one month or 2 months with a one and half hours webinar weekly with about 30 regular attendees.
As a matter of illustration, If was suppose to conduct training over video creations, starting with this course, the first week of discussion was to shed light on the simplicity and speed of creating a screen-capture video. A week after, video sales letter was discussed while video membership sites were earmarked for the third week. The fourth week was finally used to mastermind everyone's video product launch.
Charging $200 for this class is easier because at the completion of the training, everyone that took it was armed with their own videos and we critiqued their businesses and informed them of the way forward.
A minimum of $50 is equivalent in value from each of the 4 weeks. Your time is invaluable. Therefore charging below $200 for one or two months training is like underpaying yourself.
Presenting a live course to sections of group is a wonderful thing. Meanwhile, what is the actual purpose of the video recordings you obtain from those recorded videos from those live webinars? It is so convenience to combine it to a recurring membership site. Let the people sign up for this site. Meanwhile, they only receive the replays. No live training is being received by them.
What do you charge for your service here? Personally, $97 per month will be my charge and earmarked for a regular income URL. That is, arrange each lesson living 4 weeks interval, put extra courses while people deposit $100 each lecture until the end of the course.
They would have paid $400 in the overall at the completion of the course. They did not partake of the previous discounts because they failed to receive live trainings. Meanwhile, with the gradual progress being made, some hours might be conserved per week.
You will find this beneficial as you can always start a membership site to several numbers of members and yet maintain being scalable. The number of audience does not tamper with the quality of the video course.
Having known what you are expected to charge for the paid training, so what do you render free of charge? Do you even need to offer anything for free? You can render free training courses in two different ways.
Firstly, in case you are giving presentations for a quest audience, separate set of group of people and your aim is to convince them to sign up into your chain. It is known as a quiet webinar. Secondly, you can give free seminar if you have it as a pitch webinar. Most of the webinar is showing evidence and teaching to some extend and finally move into a sales message for your membership site.
Now that you are familiar with the charges, produce them easily at: www.webinarcrusher.com