When you have finished an online training session, or an hour long webinar, make sure that you have recorded your session. Once you have recorded that online training, you will need to know what to do next with it. In this article I will discuss some ideas on what you can do with this webinar, such as product bonus, guest blogging, or even a price increase move.
Guest Blogging
When you guest blog, you write a comment on someone else's blog. There are many people who are in need of content. So, in other words you will be like a columnist on someone else's site, which will be welcomed. If you record a webinar, this webinar can be used on someone else's blog as well. This can sometimes been seen as a more valuable tool than just posting a comment on a blog, because you are showing someone something. You are also explaining how it can be used visually and these videos are at least last an hour long, which is worth more than a couple of post on a blog. If you do have a webinar recording, you may want to get in contact with a blog owner and see if you can post on their blog.
Bonus Products
When people create webinar's they forget about, using it as a way to place it as a bonus for a product of theirs. Say for example, you ran a webinar for setting up AdSense websites, and you also showed a webinar on how you can set up an authority WordPress site in no time at all, this webinar would make a perfect bonus add on for those AdSense products. You can also combine the two information secessions, and have a webinar about setting up a AdSense website.
You shouldn't just give your recordings away for free, you should also use it for product bonuses. These bonus can be done as a separate product to the one that you are trying to sell, and create a separate link for it. By having a separate link for the product you can have a message followed after it, in your autoresponse. By giving them a bonus product you can also use it as a thank you for buying an AdSence course, and for sticking with the program.
Price Increase
You may also be interested in using those recordings as a way to continually add to the current product and increasing the current price. You can create a report and then sell it for $17; then create a webinar in teaching them on the points that was discussed in the report. By adding the webinar and report, its has now become a $27 study course which contains the report as well as the recording.
In a few months down the track you decide that you want to have a second webinar. You can add to that recording to the old one, and sell it for double the price, as they are getting
two recordings plus the report. By doing it this way you can test the product out first by having it at a lower cost, and then if it goes well increase the price with more webinar's.
To sum up what you can do with your webinars, you can use them for guest blogging's, price increase, or product bonuses.
Go here right now to discover how to run your own live or recorded online webinar training at: www.webinarcrusher.com