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How Can You Use Webinar Recordings

When you have finished an online training session, or an hour long webinar, make sure that you have recorded your session. Once you have recorded that online training, you will need to know what to do next with it. In this article I will discuss some ideas on what you can do with this webinar, such as product bonus, guest blogging, or even a price increase move.

Guest Blogging

When you guest blog, you write a comment on someone else's blog. There are many people who are in need of content. So, in other words you will be like a columnist on someone else's site, which will be welcomed. If you record a webinar, this webinar can be used on someone else's blog as well. This can sometimes been seen as a more valuable tool than just posting a comment on a blog, because you are showing someone something. You are also explaining how it can be used visually and these videos are at least last an hour long, which is worth more than a couple of post on a blog. If you do have a webinar recording, you may want to get in contact with a blog owner and see if you can post on their blog.

Bonus Products

When people create webinar's they forget about, using it as a way to place it as a bonus for a product of theirs. Say for example, you ran a webinar for setting up AdSense websites, and you also showed a webinar on how you can set up an authority WordPress site in no time at all, this webinar would make a perfect bonus add on for those AdSense products. You can also combine the two information secessions, and have a webinar about setting up a AdSense website.

You shouldn't just give your recordings away for free, you should also use it for product bonuses. These bonus can be done as a separate product to the one that you are trying to sell, and create a separate link for it. By having a separate link for the product you can have a message followed after it, in your autoresponse. By giving them a bonus product you can also use it as a thank you for buying an AdSence course, and for sticking with the program.

Price Increase

You may also be interested in using those recordings as a way to continually add to the current product and increasing the current price. You can create a report and then sell it for $17; then create a webinar in teaching them on the points that was discussed in the report. By adding the webinar and report, its has now become a $27 study course which contains the report as well as the recording.

In a few months down the track you decide that you want to have a second webinar. You can add to that recording to the old one, and sell it for double the price, as they are getting

two recordings plus the report. By doing it this way you can test the product out first by having it at a lower cost, and then if it goes well increase the price with more webinar's.

To sum up what you can do with your webinars, you can use them for guest blogging's, price increase, or product bonuses.

Go here right now to discover how to run your own live or recorded online webinar training at: www.webinarcrusher.com

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15. Dec, 2010
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Mistakes To Avoid With Guest Webinars

What exactly is a Guest Webinar? A webinar can be defined as a teaching session whereby you allow your audience to access your screen and speak so that they can all hear you as you make your presentation. A guest webinar therefore is when you make a presentation to another persons' audience. This is a brilliant way to acquire additional affiliate sales and form new partnerships.

It is very important that you fully understand the common mistakes to avoid during guest webinars. Always ensure the webinar owner is the one to introduce you and then go ahead and fit in to that particular presentation. Remember that you are a stranger to that particular audience kind of like the first time you are introduced to your wife's friends or relatives. However if a third party is the one who brought the two of you together, then at least you have some common point to build your trust on. Apply the same rules with guest webinars. Even if the webinar host is uncomfortable doing the webinar, have that person introduce you briefly to his audience so that once you start speaking the ice will already be broken.

Having someone who is already trusted by his audience do your bidding will help a lot in building trust with the new audience you are about to present to. After the introduction, be sure to come in on the same pitch that you were introduced with to allow for continuity. Feel free to ask what your audience wants you to concentrate your presentation on. Once I held a webinar about creating videos and I was unsure what the audience was interested in as far as DVDs are concerned. I was torn between teaching how to stream videos or the video production process. On asking, majority of them chose video production.

After determining the direction the presentation will take, make sure you adjust your schedule to concentrate on the topic of interest. Finally, make sure you prepare accordingly and read the mood of your audience to avoid failing in delivering your presentation. If you ask a question and the participants do not answer, move on and try to find something that will capture the audiences' attention and keep them interested enough to want to actively participate in the webinar. If you choose to stick to issues that the audience is non-responsive to, it may ruin your credibility and even lead to some participants leaving the presentation prematurely. So make sure to read the mood of your participants and if you detect something is not working out, move on and find another point of interest.

Preparation is always the key for any presentation. To avoid failure, be very alert during the webinar to enable you notice your audiences' interest. Make sure the webinar host takes his time to introduce you properly to create trust, and then adjust your presentation for that particular audience.

Join the guest webinar craze and build connections that will give you recognition everywhere you go: www.webinarcrusher.com

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14. Dec, 2010
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GoToWebinar is All the Software You Need to Run a Webinar

If you are preparing your first webinar you probably have questions about what kind of software that you need. GoToWebinar is stand-alone software technology that allows you to present your live, online presentations for promotional, teaching or other purposes.

It can be helpful to have a few tools to assist you with your presentation. A web browser, PowerPoint and Camtasia Studio are programs that can facilitate your presentation and make it more effective.

Your web browser can be a powerful tool for use in a webinar. You can show your web browser on your screen and use it as an aid to show people how to navigate around a site and use its features. You can show them how to send email or messages, fill out forms, place ads and perform many other tasks. During your presentation you can take people to a URL that you are promoting so that people can learn more about you and the products that you offer. This is a good way to highlight an item or service that you want to bring to their attention.

There are a variety of presentation tools available that can be used in a webinar. Some of the more popular include PowerPoint from Microsoft, Keynote for Mac and the free open source tool at OpenOffice. PowerPoint uses a simple bullet point format that lets you easily keep track of what's on your screen. This allows you to concentrate on your presentation and not worry about what is showing on the screen.

The recording software at GoToWebinar is functional but not of the highest quality. If you are concerned about getting the best quality sound you might consider using software like Camtasia Studio. This high quality sound recording program is excellent and it also gives you the ability to edit your recording in many ways. You can transfer it to a CD or to your website or blog. It can be edited for use as a podcast or used for transcription.

In conclusion, GoToWebinar is a powerful, stand-alone technology for your presentations on the web. It is enhanced by the use of programs such as your web browser, PowerPoint and Camtasia Studio.

Simple, effective, video webinar training is yours simply by going to: www.webinarcrusher.com

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13. Dec, 2010
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Hosting Live Webinars: Go Out with a Pitch

When you are hosting your live Internet webinars, it is very important that you always make your pitch at the close. It is just that easy. You should always be sure to remember to tell the audience at the close how they can learn more about you, your product, and how to contact you.

However, many hosts of live Internet webinars do not have the levels of experience and confidence needed to make a great pitch. They may get nervous. You want to ensure that you will never make this mistake. Be sure to make your pitch at the end of all of your webinars.

All presenters of webinars have something important to say. They will ensure that it is never left out, not under any circumstance. Such important things ought to be added to a PowerPoints slide. When you are displaying a screen in a webinar, you are going to be broadcasting it to the entire Internet. If there is a bulleted list of text left hanging, you will not want to suffer the humiliation of forgetting to read all of that text to the waiting audience. By remembering to talk about all of the displayed information, you can ensure that your webinar is a success.

First, know exactly what you want your pitch to be. Put it all onto your PowerPoints slides. By doing this, you will have no choice but to give the pitch to your audience once it is displayed upon the screen.

Slowing down enough to properly read the content of the slides is another important thing about making a pitch. Before you make your presentation, relax your nerves. Remember that you need to give the audience all of the facts and pertinent details about whatever you are selling. When arriving at the end of the webinar, just take a deep breath, slow your reading and talk about the slide's content. Relay the information on the screen faithfully.

In some cases, presenters may balk at delivering a pitch due to the feedback from the live users. Sadly, a lot of people are too cheap to pay for things. They would rather take everything for free, if it were possible. When you are approaching the end, you should take the time to answer any legitimate questions that are posed. When actually delivering the pitch, do not pay any attention to the question box. Just deliver the message faithfully without giving anyone in the audience the chance to mess you up or complain about your pricing. Just give out the straight facts. Later, after the webinar is over, you can review the questions and answer the legitimate ones then.

Delivering a pitch in your webinars might seem difficult or awkward in the beginning, but it will start to get easier with time. After repeating the process several times, ensuring that the pitch is on the slides, you will become a professional. Slow down enough to read all of the slide's content. Remember to ignore any questions and comments that come in while you are delivering the pitch. Learn all about how to successfully deliver a webinar pitch at: www.webinarcrusher.com

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12. Dec, 2010
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Get Your Webinar Registrants to Show Up

As someone who makes, or is thinking of making, webinars, you probably already know the benefits of online live presentations. The ability to talk to large groups of people while showing them your products and services is an excellent marketing tool. Let's postulate that you have written and produced a webinar and have made it available for people to register. No matter how brilliant your webinar is, it will not succeed if the people who registered do not show up for the presentation! How do you get them there?

One way to do this is to offer unique information that is not easily available. You should also let registrants know that there will be question and answer segments of the webinar where you will share your knowledge with them in answer to their specific questions. This gives people the incentive to watch the live webinar and not settle for a replay later. Let people know that some of the information presented in the webinar is only going to be available during the live broadcast.

Another method of getting the people that register for your webinar to attend the live broadcast is to make replays available only on a paid membership site. You are under no obligation to give out your hard earned knowledge for free. If people do not want to listen to you present the live broadcast to promote your products and services they should be prepared to pay a fee to access the information offered in the webinar.

You need to remind people that the contents of your webinar are special and are not easily come by elsewhere. Stress the benefits of live interaction such as being able to ask questions and receive an answer specific to you and your question.

Most people lead busy lives and it is very easy for them to get involved in something and forget about watching your webinar live. Convince them that it is worth their while to remember to attend!

Webinars offer one of the best ways for you to present information on your goods and services to large numbers of people at a time. The opportunity to promote your products is diminished if the people who register for your webinar to not show up and participate. Include information that can be difficult to find or that is unique to your webinar. Let people know during registration that this information will only be available during the live broadcast and that replays will only be available at a paid membership site. Emphasize the benefits of having live questions with answers that are specific to their needs.

Learn how to create a great webinar and have a full house show up to it! www.webinarcrusher.com

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11. Dec, 2010
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Four Ways To Increase Participation Of your Audience On Your Webinars

You want many people to show up on your live online training session or webinar. But similar to any presentation, class in school or phone training, getting those people to turn up is not the same as getting them to participate. I want to tell you some simple ways to ensure that more people participate in your live webinars. This includes calling out certain individuals, using a random drawing, having a Q&A session and also being exciting.

You can use a simple technique of getting people to participate in your live webinars by offering them some bonus. I don't really recommend giving each and every person that turns up for your live webinar a gift, because that will distract them from the main objective of your live webinar. Instead you can give your audience an address before the webinar begins where they are able to subscribe using their name and email. And inform them that you are going to look at the subscriber's emails and randomly pick one and give them a gift that is closely related to the offer you are giving at the closing of your live webinar. You are not going to give away the entire offer but some kind of thing they can use. If for instance you are running a live webinar that demonstrates to your audience how they can easily record audio files, you can give a free USB headset to one lucky person.

Next, if you notice repeat customers or attendees on your live webinar or even if they ask questions that are specific, call out their names and answer their questions or use them to explain a point. Most probably at one point in your life, you have been among an audience in front of a speaker who has mentioned your name, whether it is a large group or small group, and you really feel like you are part of the discussion. You can use the same reasoning as a presenter. People love to have their name mentioned because they love recognition.

Have a question and answer session or Q&A session. If you receive plenty of repeat questions, address them. If you are running a training session on call that is free, have a segment where you can address all the questions. The most important thing is to ensure that you don't drift from your main goal. This means that if you are not ending your webinar, it is okay to answer questions. However, if you are ending, then make your offer, have your participants take a break of 5 minutes and then return back and address the questions. But with each and every question you address, close again and make the offer.

My last point is to be interesting and exciting. You can make a presentation of a very exciting subject, but if you do not do it in an interesting way no one will care. Make some jokes and be authentic. Don't run your live webinar from a script, speak from your heart.

That is how you can effectively increase participation of your webinar.

Learn how to run a live online webinar session: www.webinarcrusher.com

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10. Dec, 2010
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Four Ways To Easily Price Drop The Live Pitch Webinar

If you happen to be running an absolutely free webinar, it is advisable to offer people an opportunity at the end of the webinar to get more information about you and possibly purchase some training materials from you.

This is what is commonly called a "pitch" at the conclusion of your webinar. When pitching, it is recommended to stack the offer up by building the total value of the training package and subsequently dropping the value of the package to its actual price. By doing this, people clearly see the noticeable difference between the low price finally offered and the high value. Always build the value of the package up and then finally drop the value to the actual amount.

For example, you can build the package's value to $2000, and then drop it to $1000, $500 or even $300 which may be the actual value.

The price drop I have explained above is the normal price drop but you have freedom to price drop in varied ways. Other price drop methods are: price increase schedule, standard drop, cross-off items drop and number of payments drop. However, the price drop you can easily apply is the one I have just explained. In this price drop, you build the value up by explaining the different components. For example, we can assume there are exactly 4 components in your package. Each component has a value of $500. The thing you need to do is to justify the value of all these 4 components. When totaled up, the package will be worth $2000.

Then you can do just one simple drop to $200. Alternatively you can drop from 2000 down to 1000 down to 500 and finally to 200. By doing so, you will keep you audience guessing and thinking.

If you are offering a sought of one time payment training package it would be better to drop the price as above. However, for a membership site with a fixed term payment plan, the price drop method will be different. In this plan, the audience might be required to pay lets say $20 per month for a period like 10 months.

Here, you can price drop to $200 split up. Let the people know it is not necessary to furnish the $200 at one instance. They also not need to pay it in 2 installments each worth $100 each or 5 each worth $40. Let the audience know, they need only to pay in 10 installments each worth $20. Thus inform the audience that with a paltry $20 they can get access to the training package.

The superb alternative to discounts is definitely the price increase schedule. Here, you inform your audience that they can buy your training package today for lets say $100 but if they wait for a week the price will have doubled to lets say $200. This is better than having to discount your package.

Finally, you can cross items off in your list. Remember the 4 components previously discussed each worth $500 with total value being $2000.

You can cross component no. 1 and no.3 off the list subsequently making them free bonuses. This method allows the price to drop in a tangible way.

The above ways: Standard drops, price increase schedule, cross off items and number of payments are ways to drop price to a low value from high value.

Make more sales by perfecting your webinar pitch: www.webinarcrusher.com

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09. Dec, 2010
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Four Ways To Easily Justify The Total Cost Of Your Planned Webinar Service

You get exactly what you pay for whether you choose a free webinar service or one that is paid. But to be on the safe side, do not opt for free webinar service providers; instead opt for webinar services requiring less fees such as GoTo webinar. How then does one justify the amount of fee of running webinars on a monthly basis? There are several ways to record for others webinars.

Commit to a webinar based weekly, use webinars or run a class of webinar to generate extra sales amounts, whether these sales are for products, services or memberships. There is no problem with joint venturing with a person and having to record a webinar for such a person.

I know of very many individuals who would pay with ease $10 to $20 for starting a webinar just for you and also for them. Then they record the webinar and subsequently send the recording. It is important to remember that GoTo webinar services costs only $100 per month.

With such a price all that is needed is recording five webinars in the month and it is assured you will have all your money back. Even if you don't manage to have the all the money back and you have just $50 from the $100 initially invested. The good thing is that you have the freedom to record your very own webinars.

You can commit to run a webinar weekly. Having a weekly schedule of webinar session, at the same day and time each and every week ensures reliability and that the webinar is always running every week.

Whether the webinar sessions are being paid for or they are absolutely for free, the fact is that at the end you will have promoted something.

Put you webinar sessions in the calendar, make sure to promote them and let people sign up for them. By carrying all these steps you will have to run the webinar so as not to let people down. When giving people live training, you can possibly run a $200 or more webinar session. By running this class, the excessive amounts that could have been spent writing reports, posting blogs or drafting emails are saved. The explanation given on the screen will be much better than that given by a report.

Finally, you can possibly use webinars to promote products of your own or affiliate products. If for example you have an e-book that can fetch $20, a 30 minute webinar each week will be sufficient for this e book. The sale of just one copy of this e book will be enough to cover the costs of the 30 minute session of the webinar. You should use webinars to promote your products and have a goal of making sufficient sales that will justify the monthly costs. This is how you can possibly talk yourself so that you pay for the webinar service, run weekly webinars, use webinars to generate extra sales for an existing product and record webinars.

You should obtain a perfect blueprint for carrying out your webinars at: www.webinarcrusher.com

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08. Dec, 2010
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Four Ways To Easily Increase Attendance To Your Live Webinar

Normally, when you present a webinar, people get to see your screen, they also hear your voice also they have the opportunity to send their questions which you can respond to immediately.

However, a live webinar will be of no use if people don't show up. You will end up recording the webinar alone if people fail to turn up. It is good to have an audience and it's in fact better if such an audience is a targeted audience. To help you have a big audience, I suggest you put the following to mind: start on time, be committed and consistent, present clearly the benefits to be obtained from your webinar and replay scarcity.

First and foremost, what is the definition of replay scarcity? This is replaying previous webinar sessions in a current webinar session. When a webinar is made up of replayed versions, people who had previously attended will see no need to attend the current session. To avoid this, it is important to emphasize that replayed versions will be minimal and most of the presentation will be live.

Next, it is vital to start your webinar on time. If you start your webinar late, by lets say 5 minutes or 10 minutes, this won't be fine. By so doing, you are definitely training your audience to be always late for your webinar. Television shows for example always do start on time so it is important also for you to start your webinar sessions on time. Webinar training should also start on time so that the people who come late will learn the lesson that next time they should keep time.

The principal of consistency and commitment on your part will ensure that your webinar gets a huge audience. Show commitment by posting a blog post with the full information about the time and date scheduled for your webinar and ask the readers of the blog post to RSVP responding if they will show up. People always don't like to promise a thing and not do it. This confuses them. Your audience will surely not want to give you a promise confirming their attendance and then fail to show up. If they give you a promise they will attend, there is a high probability they will attend.

Finally, let your webinar be as exciting as possible. The title of the webinar in that first place should clearly show the audience that they stand to benefit by attending the webinar. Example, if you are teaching people how to make a video, this is surely not that exciting. However, with a title like "How to make a 2 minute video that generates traffic of over a thousand in a day," this will make the topic very exciting. When coming up with the webinar's title, always be on the shoes of the audience. The audience will want a webinar that not only offers information but offers a new bonus or a new skill.

The ways to have more people to attend your webinar are: minimize the replays, be committed and consistent, start and end on time and show the audience that they stand to benefit if they attend your webinar.

If you want more than 1000 people to attend your webinar, visit: www.webinarcrusher.com

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07. Dec, 2010
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Four Possible Ways To Create A Theme For Your Webinar

No one can be able to duplicate a webinar you run. This is because the webinar you run is intact with your personality from your voice to your speaking style.

Because every webinar you do is quite unique from that other people do, it is possible to theme the webinar with a song, logo, name title or even repeating it at the same time and day.

It is possible to upload a logo when using Go To webinar. This logo can be the logo in your sales letter. By using this logo, the branding of your webinar is enhanced.

When someone will be registering for your webinar, he/she will see your logo. This will greatly enhance your image in the midst of competition.

So, every time someone will be seeing your logo, the person will know it is better to attend your webinar, listen to what you have to offer and at the end to do what you instruct them to do.

At the beginning and at the end of your webinar session, Mp3 music will do just fine. You can make your own MP3 songs or obtain MP3's from sites like istockphoto some MP3 songs. This is all related to the issue of branding. When someone will be replaying your webinar the same song will be playing every time. With this, you look and sound more professional and it won't cost you extra money or extra time.

Always have your name placed in the webinars title. People never realized my identity, until I started adding to my Webinars my name; it became easy for my crowd to identify me. One of my titles will go like: Sales page tactics by John Henderson.

T.V shows like Tonight's show presented by Conan O' Brien are easy for people to easily identify and remember the presenter of the show.

Finally, remember to have your webinars run at the same time and day. There is one marketer in particular who I know; this marketer schedules his webinar sessions every Wednesday of the week at noon.

I of course will think about the person who runs more webinars when I am selecting which webinar to attend. The guy with webinars every week, at a specific day and time will always be preferred over the guy who has not put in place such a schedule.

It is very important to pick a time slot and always to be sticking to such a time slot. Again, this is exactly how television shows are carried out. Television shows are always on the same time and the same day. This way, these shows manage to capture people again and over again.

The above are the four possible ways you can theme the webinar. You should use a logo in giving theme to the webinar and also an interesting song. The name title forms a core part of the webinars theme and always run the webinar at the same time and date of the week.

Consistently run your webinars in the easiest way ever imaginable: www.webinacrusher.com

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06. Dec, 2010
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