It's one thing to run a webinar, which is a live training call. But what do you do after? Here are four things you can do with your recording of that webinar.
Run a time limited replay, use it as membership content, offer it as a complete product or bonus to another product. Or use it as an email opt-in bribe. If people miss your webinar,
it's up to you to decide whether or not you give them a recording or a replay of that webinar. But even if you do, there's no rule that says it has to be around forever.
You want people to consume your content and take action on it as fast as possible. Which means you should only offer your webinar replay for 48 hours and then pull it from the Internet.
What do you do after you pull it? The easy thing to do is place it inside your membership site. Most membership owners I know are starving for content. But guess what, webinars are the easiest way to generate content.
If you have one hour of time free, run a webinar for one hour and save the recording. It's okay if people could attend the webinar for free live, the recording is paid. That is a different offer.
And no, you don't have to supply a transcript of the webinar.
If your webinar is really that good,it can be its own complete product. I've recorded one hour webinars and then sold them for $100 dollars and made sales. It doesn't necessarily matter how
long your webinar is but what kind of information and and how good of information and how actionable that information is. If you don't have as much confidence as me and you have a related
product or even a product you promote as an affiliate. Make that webinar recording a bonus that people get in addition to the download when they buy a product.
And finally, an unusual technique for webinar recording is to use it as a bribe, in exchange for opting-in. When people build an email list, the best way to do it is to offer a free gift. And most marketers
make the mistake of giving away a free report. That's great except for a report is boring and it takes you a long time to create. Like I said, a one hour webinar takes you one hour of time to create. A video is
much more exciting and all a webinar recording is, is a video.
Why don't you make a page, a forced opt-in page, where the only thing people can do is enter their name and email address and actually they'll do. They are redirected to a page where they can watch but not necessarily download your latest webinar. Stumped about how to use your webinar recording? Offer it as a time limited replay as membership content, as a full product
or as an opt-in bribe.
What about your next training course in sixty minutes or less at