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Make More Money From Your Webinars

I hope that you have run a webinar or at least been on a webinar or heard of one before. This is where you broadcast your screen and your
voice to an audience. But many people fall into the trap of wasting their time running webinars and not making money from them. How do you avoid this problem? Run a direct pitch
webinar, drop urls on the webinar recall, offer affiliate bonuses and use these presentation tools for a 30 (building email list building).

A direct pitch webinar is simple. Teach people something such as four mistakes to avoid or four tips about graphics. And at the end, give them an offer to buy a
training course from you about graphics. If they liked what they learned on the free call or if they got some kind of information out of that call. They will jump at the chance to get more of
that training.

If you are on someone else's webinar as a guest or you can't necessarily offer a hard pitch at the end, then mention some of your webinars or urls throughout the webinar. When you
introduce yourself, mention the url of your training course. When you give people the background about yourself and mention your credentials, one of them can be at the url to that
training course. You're not gonna get the same effect in this as a pitched webinar but some people will visit that url out of curosity and depending on how well that page converts
and how targeted this webinar audience is, you might get some sales.

With a webinar you can get more affiliate sales in a couple of ways. One way is to show people something and then direct them to the exact instructions on how to buy something through
your affiliate link. This means you might teach people something about graphics but, instead of offering your own course about graphics. Mention a link to someone else's graphics
course where you get the commission. You can take this one step further and get people to buy something from you. For example, a graphics course with you as the affiliate, and as a bonus,
offer a special training webinar.

And finally, just the fact that you're on a call, live, with your voice showing people something in real time. Automatically, makes you more authorative than any one else. What's more is
you can use this live presenatation to build the list. Annnounce the time and date you will give this free training but require people to sign up to your mailing list in order to get access.
And those are four ways you can make more money from your webinars. By running a direct pitch, url drop, affiliate bonus or authority and list building.

Increase the size of your list, get a bigger following, have more product and make more money with webinars. Find your training at

** NOTE: () means I did not understand the word or sentence that was spoken
One in the first paragraph

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30. Aug, 2010
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