The best hidden benefit of running webinars or live video broadcasts is that you can charge more for your training. You used to might spend weeks or months knocking out a report that you can only charge $10 or $20 dollars for, or even recording a video series that you could only really charge $50 dollars for. Because you are running this live training, because you answer real questions, demonstrate real things, overcome real obstacles you can charge more because the training is live and it’s personalized.
I recommend you start charging $200 dollars for your webinar courses. You can even increase your prices higher than that. How do you do that? With bonus videos, live webinar bonuses, and good old fashioned price training.
Just because you are running a 4-week webinar course does not mean your course has to contain four live webinars and that’s it. Sometimes on webinars, we run out of time, we think of new things. For example, you might have planned out a 4-week course, but by week 2 or 3, there is just something you forgot about.
In a webinar course I once taught about video, we taught marketing one week. I forgot to show how to take a video and add it to you-tube and in fact, to do this on a live webinar would be pretty boring and tedious. It takes several minutes for a video to upload, and many more minutes for a video to become live on you-tube.
What did I do then? In between webinars, in the middle of the week, I recorded a video, a non-live video of me uploading a video to you-tube and let it process. In between the few minutes it took to upload and get scheduled in you-tube I paused the video, so when someone was watching it, they didn’t have to wait around 10 minutes for the upload and 20 minutes for the processing.
This way the unexpected video bonuses give people more reason to stay as part of the class. The next kind of bonus you can provide is a live webinar bonus. No one said just because you offer a 4-week class, you only have to offer four live webinars.
For example, if one person or a group of people in your membership site are doing exceptionally well, and implementing everything you are teaching in the class. Why not hold a special 1-hour bonus call for them where you answer their additional questions. It doesn’t take a lot of extra work for you and it is a real easy bonus.
The final type of live webinar bonus I prefer is the reunion call. Imagine this, someone has finished your one month course and now they are off to building their business. What if you scheduled a webinar for one month in the future to bring all the old classmates back together, catch up on what they’re doing, give them more advice and possibly sell them into your next live class?
Having multiple, high priced classes like this is very important to overcoming price resistance. If you have a list of subscribers, and they are used to you giving things for free or only charging $10 dollars for everything, they are going to come across some sticker-shock when they see that your live course is priced at $300 dollars.
On the other hand, if they see that all your training costs $300 dollars over and over again, they are used to seeing this high price, and they will instead look at the fantastic offer you have lined up for them.
That is how you are going to move towards higher prices, add bonus videos, add one or two live webinar bonuses, and train your list so they get used to your prices.
Come with me and find out exactly how you too can move your following to higher prices using webinars, just enter your name and email address below.