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Will I Be Able To Poll Or Test My Web Users In Real Time?

If you are recording a webinar for the first time, you will start to see features that you were not aware of. A webinar is a live online video presentation. The best part about webinar's is that you are able to poll what audience you have in real time, and you can use your polls for a letter sales survey, that can be used for a before demonstration and a after demonstration, or you may want to use it as a game, for those who are on the call.

Polling your audiences means that when they are viewing the screen, they will notice the screen will change to some questionnaires, which will let them chose the answer they like to the question displayed. Once, that is done the webinar will tally up what has been answered, and will view them in percentage form on what people have answered. An example is, let's say you are asking the question if someone is awake on the call as of now, and the presented choices were "yes" or "no," people will be able to view these answers and have the ability to answer them. Once, they do this you should be able to see the answers in percentage format to the answers, "yes" and "no."

This is a great tool, for when you need to write great sales copies. For example, if you are using a webinar service for list building, and what to use auto responder and you need to know the number of people who have used this, you will then be able to ask the audience this question and see the tally of what was answered. Then you could also ask the following question of, the number of subscribers there were to their auto responder, once they have answered you will then be able to see the statistics to what was answered. By having these figures it will allow you to look at your sales copy and reflect on those numbers. Using polling for the before and after, is a great tool to help with your online business.

If you desire to know something such as: s who can create a logo? Then you will be able to see the statistics of who answered what. This then allows you to know if you need to create an online video stream to show people what to do. You will then be able to ask the question again, and receive feedback from the audience and hopefully if you had a low percentage it would have increased dramatically, because of the way you explained it in the video.

This tool is a great tool to have, as it allows you to see what your audience has learned, but it also allows them to get something out of viewing the webinar.

You are also able to make a game to grow the interest of the people while they are watching the webinar. A game that is great to play, to sustain interest is a guessing game.

What this allows you to do is view the sales letter and seeing which one created more sales for you. You can show the versions of the letter to the audience and see which one created more money for you. Following the viewing, the audience guesses and then the webinar will show the results. There may be part of the audience that is right and some that are wrong, whichever way it goes, it allows the audience to form a view, and to see what they have guessed.

There are a few ways to use polling to sustain the interest of your users and to keep them engaged in the webinar viewing. You can have a survey to help with your survey letter, create a before and after test, or a guessing game.

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18. Feb, 2011
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